Cliff has been performing at the Griswold Inn for 50 years, now! He’s been there longer than any of the employees and also the Owners, the Paul Family! Here’s to our man Cliff! He’s inspired a couple of generations of singers and brought countless new converts to the genre! He still holds court when he opens his mouth, and can quiet the loudest of audiences! He can cause you to laugh or to melt your heart! And we all love the man dearly!

photo by Abby Southworth
Someone inscribed this in the men’s bathroom, over a standing urinal!
Great to see you celebrating your 50 years at the Griswold Cliff well done.
Congratulations, Cliff! I miss the times when our paths would cross and we’d wail a bit . You’re a treasure and I’m glad you have the appreciation of multiple generations. Be well, and keep singing!