Sea Music Festival in Mystic, CT

Cliff is back from his vacation in Florida and is back in the swing of things… Monday nights, to be sure! But he is looking forward to being one of the participants in this year’s Sea Music Festival in Mystic Seaport! I’ll post more details as the date draws nearer – 9-12 June, 2016.


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2 Responses to Sea Music Festival in Mystic, CT

  1. David Stead says:

    It’s great to see that you’re still performing!
    If I’m not mistaken, you sang your pub songs at a party at Trumbull house at University of Connecticut in 1974 (or maybe early ’75). If you’re the same Cliff Haslam, I still have a recording of that performance… and fond memories of it.

    • Joseph says:

      Hello David. This is Joseph – Cliff’s website handler. If you could be encouraged to make a copy of that recording you refer to that I could put in our archives, that would be wonderful! Cliff still leads us every Monday night at the Griswold Inn and you can see the band website at My direct email is


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