
I have something of a website up! It is currently under construction so please have patience. My recordings are available on this site or come see me perform – Remember, I’m at the Griswold Inn every Monday night!


And acknowledgements: Bob Stepno as jovial web consultant and occasional editor, Greg McGuire as site mechanic, and Joseph Morneault as site manager.

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4 Responses to Finally!!

  1. bob stepno says:

    Congratulations, and bon voyage!

    You’ll find some of Cliff’s lyrics at too

  2. Joe S. Brown says:

    Thank you Cliff for your journey across the Pond,
    To America you you did come.
    You make songs of the sea a pleasure to hear,
    Mostly at the Gris they are sung.

    They are from the heart, there is no doubt,
    Each song a story is told.
    Please keep singing as long as you can,
    You are respected by the young and old.

    joe b

  3. Karen says:

    The website is looking great! Glad that there are new recordings. It makes this old Gris regular happy that even though she can’t get to the Gris, she can listen and pretend she is there. :)

  4. BobStep says:

    Looking better every week! Glad I can help a bit from afar. Now if I could just figure out how to download a pint of Guinness from here… :-)

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